What are male sexual dysfunctions?

Sexual desire disorders

  • Lack of sexual desire
  • Sexual aversion disorder
  • Hypersexuality

Sexual arousal and erectile disorders

  • Erectile dysfunction (impotence)

Orgasm/ejaculation problems

  • Premature ejaculation
  • Delayed ejaculation
  • Inability to ejaculate (anejaculation)
  • Retrograde ejaculation (dry orgasm)
  • Ejaculation without erection

Sexual pain disorders

  • Painful intercourse (dyspareunia)
  • Non-sexual genital pain

Sexual dysfunctions caused by the general state of health

  • Diseases such as cancer, cirrhosis, kidney failure that affect the whole body

Other unnamed sexual dysfunctions

  • Sexual phobias, disorders related to sexual satisfaction, etc.

Sexual dysfunctions due to drug use
Penis size problems


How do Sexual Dysfunctions occur?

There are specific phases during sexual intercourse, both for men and women. These are:

  • Sexual desire (arousal)
  • Plateau
  • Ejaculation/orgasm
  • Resolution (relaxation)

If a person is dissatisfied with their sexual life as a result of any problems encountered during any of these stages, and the situation persists, then sexual dysfunction comes into question. A lack of desire, not being able to have sexual intercourse for any reason, experiencing pain during sex, ejaculation problems, anorgasmia, etc. are all generally named as sexual dysfunction.

Many psychological factors can lead to sexual dysfunction, including trauma experienced in childhood, unsuccessful first sexual intercourse; also feelings of guilt, or performance anxiety. Apart from these, conditions and diseases, or surgical operations that may physically harm the veins or nerves may also cause problems in sexual functions. Moreover, any change or disorder that may occur in hormones may also disrupt any of the phases mentioned before, causing sexual dysfunctions.


What are reasons for sexual dysfunctions?

Sexual dysfunctions may have so many reasons. And, these reasons are examined under two headings, which are:

  • Organic reasons, and
  • Psychological reasons.

Organic reasons for sexual dysfunctions occur as a result of physical problems in the body functions. This group includes the effects of diseases that affect the entire body, such as diabetes, obesity, damage to vessels and nerves after previous surgeries, congenital or acquired anatomical problems, and disorders that may occur in the body’s hormonal system. Patients in this group are frequently followed up by a urologist or a gynecologist, or by an endocrinologist if there are hormonal problems.