How is HPV transmitted?

HPV is mostly transmitted due to close skin-to-skin touching. As it is often seen in genital areas, it is also accepted as a sexually transmitted disease.

There are very limited publications on that a person may rarely be infected with HPV due to indirect contact in places such as around the pools or showers used by many people. It is generally known that HPV is a tenuous virus and cannot survive for long outside the body.


What is a genital wart?

Genital warts are lesions caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV) that generally form in genital areas; they may look like skin-colored or dark-colored small bumps or have a cauliflower-like appearance. They are also known as genital condyloma or condyloma acuminatum. Today, genital warts are accepted as the most common sexually transmitted disease all over the world. They can be seen both in men and women. They can be often seen on the penis skin, scrotum, inguinal region, or around the anus in men while seen on the vulva, vaginal wall, or around the anus in women.


What is HPV?

HPV is the abbreviation for a virus family called Human Papillomavirus. There are more than 170 types of HPV identified so far. Around 40 of them cause diseases in human beings when sexually transmitted.

Most HPV infections do not show any symptoms and disappear from the body in around two years. However, sometimes genital warts occur due to HPV infection and these warts need treatment, and sometimes lesions may occur, which may turn into cancer later.